Are You A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) And Tired of Hiding?

It’s Time For Highly Sensitive People To Come Out of Hiding!

There’s a never-ending abundance of things to say about being an HSP, (a Highly Sensitive Person) because not only are we all unique individuals, but individuals with unique ways of coping with what we generally quality and quantify as our “sensitivities.”

What’s important here is that the thing we all have in common–that is, until we have the tools for true transformation–is our struggle. This struggle can take many forms, but always has the same result: It’s hard.

  • Dealing with everyday life might be hard.
  • Dealing with people might be hard.
  • Dealing with who we are might be hard.
  • Dealing with expectations…failure…relationships…fear….

Whatever life throws us…throws us.

Why? Because:

We’re taught we are too much of this and too little of that. Too much emotion; too much need. Too little logic; too little determination. We learn from an early age that life is hard and we need to suck it up. We never seem to get a strong foothold because the path of life seems fraught with potholes (crises) of all kinds–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

I’m one of the fortunate people who discovered we had a label, that of HSP (coined by Dr. Elaine Aron in the ’90s). The downside of such a discovery has been that I discovered I had a label. You see, if you’re not careful, all you end up with is a label that tells you what you are and gives you a rationalization for feeling the way you feel. A label that doesn’t ever really help you change your experience.

You might feel better for a while because you don’t feel alone, but do you ever really come out of hiding? I didn’t. Not for years. I was too busy TRYING to be okay. Trying to learn how to erect that barrier people are always talking about to deflect all the stuff out there that feels bad, that makes us feel attacked.

How can you come out of hiding?

There’s only one way: You have to know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a way to live an authentic, open life WITHOUT putting up barriers; to live with an open heart without fear of repercussion; to live a life that expands and amplifies your intuitive, creative, empathetic nature WITHOUT fear that it will weaken you.

There is also only one way to accomplish a life out in the open: You need to know what it feels like to be in alignment with your true nature so you can remain in that alignment. Being in alignment means there’s no need to put up a barrier because you are comfortable without constantly putting out “feelers” to test the water in the environment around you. I call it “reeling in your psychic sponge or octopus,” those energetic tentacles that are so busy diddling around trying to figure out stuff that we forget that all that really matters is–you guessed it–being in alignment with ourselves.

You can learn more about how to channel and elevate your HSP-ness into joy, prosperity, and ease at 

Elevating Your HSP-ness

Elevating Your HSP-ness by Heidi Connolly (Course Textbook)